50 Year Reunion (2018)
Reunion Details
A weekend of fun and fellowship!
Over the weekend of September 28th, 2018 the Waynesboro Area Senior High Class of 1968 celebrated their 50 Year Reunion. Here is the write-up that was placed in the Record Herald:
WASD Class of 1968 held their 50th class reunion on September 28, 2018 at the Waynesboro Country Club. Members of the class reunion committee were Duane and Ann (Betts) Dickey, Jill (Flohr) Hess, Mike Kugler, Dale McCleary, Emily McGlaughlin, Anne Newcomer, Richard Rook, Charlie Strausbaugh, Steve and Maxine (Sheeley) Beck. Music was provided by Acoustic Soul. Steve Beck welcome 79 class members and 43 guests to the reunion and Tom Thompson, class president, thank the planning committee for making the arrangements. Maxine (Sheeley) Beck provided the invocation. Jill (Flohr) Hess and Jean (Knepper) Bryson provided and set up the decorations and Emily McGlaughlin set up a slide show of questions of events and names from 1968 and provided us with the answers. The reunion committee also had a social evening at Steve and Maxine’s house on Friday evening with approximately 50 people attending and a golf tournament on Saturday afternoon with 12 participants.
Here is the group photo from Saturday Night at the Waynesboro Country Club:
Click Photo to Enlarge and see Names
Click HERE to see a high resolution version that can be saved for printing or taking to a printing service such as Walmart or CVS. Right click on the image and choose “Save Picture As” to save to your hard drive.
A weekend of fun and fellowship!
Over the weekend of September 28th, 2018 the Waynesboro Area Senior High Class of 1968 celebrated their 50 Year Reunion. Here is the write-up that was placed in the Record Herald:
WASD Class of 1968 held their 50th class reunion on September 28, 2018 at the Waynesboro Country Club. Members of the class reunion committee were Duane and Ann (Betts) Dickey, Jill (Flohr) Hess, Mike Kugler, Dale McCleary, Emily McGlaughlin, Anne Newcomer, Richard Rook, Charlie Strausbaugh, Steve and Maxine (Sheeley) Beck. Music was provided by Acoustic Soul. Steve Beck welcome 79 class members and 43 guests to the reunion and Tom Thompson, class president, thank the planning committee for making the arrangements. Maxine (Sheeley) Beck provided the invocation. Jill (Flohr) Hess and Jean (Knepper) Bryson provided and set up the decorations and Emily McGlaughlin set up a slide show of questions of events and names from 1968 and provided us with the answers. The reunion committee also had a social evening at Steve and Maxine’s house on Friday evening with approximately 50 people attending and a golf tournament on Saturday afternoon with 12 participants.
Here is the group photo from Saturday Night at the Waynesboro Country Club:
Click Photo to Enlarge and see Names
Click HERE to see a high resolution version that can be saved for printing or taking to a printing service such as Walmart or CVS. Right click on the image and choose “Save Picture As” to save to your hard drive.